CEO Statement

Many Lean years have passed in Syria since the Syrians raised the first demands for change. During that, the Syrians experienced all kinds of suffering, as figures estimate that more than half a million were killed, more than half of Syria’s population became displaced to relatively safe areas, and millions were also displaced outside Syria’s borders to search for homelands they could afford where they can live with their families safely.
Northern Syria has become a demographic mixture of several regions in Syria due to the forced displacement of Syrians towards it, becoming a miniature Syria, where the residents and displaced people located in cities and towns spread near the Turkish border, and hundreds of thousands of them have made camps their home.
Local, Arab, Islamic, and international efforts were able to cover a part of the Syrians’ needs through relief projects such as food, health, education, shelter, and others. Unfortunately, the crises extended for many other years, and the emergency solutions were not permanent.
Donor’s enthusiasm began to wane after several years, in parallel with the entry of several other crises on the line, including the COVID-19 virus crisis. , unprecedented global inflation, the Russian-Ukrainian war, and then the war on Gaza.
In 2014, through a visit by some humanitarian activists, they noted that the region was very qualified for Microfinance, then agreed to launch a pilot portfolio in the western Aleppo countryside, and the results were promising.
After reviewing the results of the microfinance intervention and with the support of some donors, we expanded our portfolio to become a financing fund that pursues sustainability.
The biggest motivation for us since the inception of the idea of the Microfinance Fund and during the establishment and operation stages was our confidence in two important things:
  • The ability of microfinance to achieve sustainable financial solutions at the levels of livelihood and Economic early recovery.
  • The ability of our people in Syria to make this approach successful, given the skills and experiences they possess, in addition to the moral framework they still have despite the number of tragedies they have been exposed to over the past years.
We always strive to expand our financial services to suit all levels of Micro-enterprises and to match as much as possible of the most vulnerable groups and segments in our society. We hope for a soon salvation for our people that will restore their security, bring them together, and alleviate their suffering.